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2in1 Hair Stop Deo + Bodylotion SET Sale

  • Regular price £69.00
  • Regular price £69.00

  • Body hair again and you finally don't want to see it anymore? Then the Hair Stop deodorant and depilatory cream from ELAINE PERINE is just the thing for you! Say "Goodbye" to those little pesky hairs and "Hello" to beautiful smooth and even skin! Vegan products and dermatologically tested.

    Body hair again and you finally don't want to see it anymore? Then the Hair Stop deodorant and depilatory cream from ELAINE PERINE is just the thing for you! Say "Goodbye" to those little pesky hairs and "Hello" to beautiful smooth and even skin! Vegan products and dermatologically tested.

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    2in1 Hair Stop Deo + Bodylotion SET
